The life of a rock star
So here's what's going on exciting in my student/townie life at the moment:
- Skid & Wilbur fests last weekend were awesome! It was a fun day with beautiful weather & good friends. I'm so glad they didn't end up being the weekend before because then they would have been different.
- My parents are freaking out about the girl, Lindsey, who was killed last week in Newark. They are doubly freaking out because my apartment is super-close to hers (like, that's where I catch the bus.) I get phone calls at night like "Are your windows locked??" Um, no dad, it's 65 degrees out and I live on the second floor. I feel a little apprehensive myself. Good luck to the Newark "5-O" in trying to solve the crime.
- Relay, a local band that two of my friends from my work are in, is playing Thursday night at East End. I'm looking for more people who want to come. East End super interests me because I've never gone out there but it seems chilled out. Plus, there are hippies there and I think hippies are cool. If I were cool enough, I would be one.
- I'm only counting one more week or school left! That's only 7 possible nights I could get a bad night's sleep. After that, I only have one final during Finals week - Yay!
Aw, good. Thanks Aidan!
Melanie, at 3:50 PM
JohnW, at 10:06 PM
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